Here's an adorable video of Leonie Dawson talking about the new 2013 workbooks and calendars. Her life is " a living embodiment of making dreams come true" for herself and others, and she is really helping me to make my own dreams come true, too!
Do you use a calendar to plan your year?
Learn how to turn a creative hobby into a thriving business! Once upon a time, there lived a hippy who loved to make art & do soulful hippy things. She also worked in a cubicle job, until one day she could stand it no longer. She went for a walk in a field, and decided that within a year she would learn all she needed to know about business and turn her little hobbies into a big thriving business.
And she did it. Every year since then, her business has doubled in size, and has now become the sole income for her family – letting her & her husband both be stay-at-home parents and move to tropical paradise.
The Business Goddess e-course is everything she learned along the way about how to become a Business Goddess!
It is a complete guide–over 190 colourful pages!!! –for how to make money online, the blueprint of how she did it, 100+ ways to market magically, mindfully & joyously and how to stay sane & joyful when business gets BUSY! Did you feel a tingle when you read that last part?! lol
It comes chock-full of bonuses, too: profiles of inspiring business gods & goddesses & the Magic Money Maker Kit! - $79.00 US. Have a look!

A six-week adventure for when you’re wanting, needing and craving a space that is a true haven for the Goddess in You!
You’ll use space clearing techniques to make your space’s energy sparkle. You’ll learn how to divinely declutter. You’ll dive into inspired interior design. You’ll be empowered with all of the wisdom, tools & techniques you need to make your space feel & look amazing to you. And you’ll end up with a home that is a sanctuary just for you. $89.00 US. Find out more!
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